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Juristische Einrichtungen

Land Name Adresse Registrierungsnummer / Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer
Austria VF Austria GmbH Moosfeldstrasse 1, 5101 Bergheim - Salzburg, Austria U34766401
Belgium VF Belgium BV C. Van Kerckhovenstraat, 110, 2880 Bornem, BE 0666523226
Bulgaria VF International S.A.G.L. Via Laveggio 5, 6855 Stabio, Switzerland BE0872394541
Czech Republic VF Czech s.r.o. Ke Zdibsku 193, 250 66 Zdiby, CZECH REPUBLIC CZ27166112
Denmark VF Scandinavia Aps Vestergade 27, 1456 Kobenhavn, DK 71032418
Finland VF Scandinavia Aps Nordre Strandvej 119A, 3150 Hellebaek, FINLAND FI 14698462
France VF (J) FRANCE SAS 25-27 rue du Mail, CS 82502,75086 PARIS Cedex 02 FR78353238520
Germany VF Germany Services GMBH Walter- Gropius-Str. 23, 80807 München, DE 230966815
Ireland VF Northern Europe Services Ltd Suite 3, One Earlsfort Centre, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, IE 9661414U
Italy VF ITALIA S.R.L. (società a socio unico) Via Varesina 162, 20156 - Milano, Italia 04576340964
Luxembourg VF Belgium BV C. Van Kerckhovenstraat, 110, 2880 Bornem, BE LU 30074009
Netherlands Vf(j) Nederland Services BV Cruquiusweg 109, 2nd floor, 1019AG Amsterdam, NL 853613448B01
Sweden VF Sweden AB Marie Hellsvegen 37a-SE-16865 Bromma, SWEDEN SE 556428782801
Spain VF Jeanswear Espana S.L.U. Edificio norte, planta 1, 08039 Barcelona, ES B80520620
United Kingdom VF Northern Europe Services ltd. C/O Brodies Llp Capital Square 58 Morrison Street, Edinburgh - Scotland GB 943074330
Portugal VF Apparel Portugal Lda Av. Da República, nº35 4ºAndar 1050-186 – Lisboa, PT 507157389
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